Enestående rejser til Asien
Peacock Travel skræddersyr spændende rejser til Asien: Buthan, Burma, Cambodia, Hong Kong, Indien, Indonesien, Malaysia, Maldiverne, Nepal, Singapore, Thailand og Vietnam. Læs mere
Mageløse Bali
Vi sammensætter den perfekte rejse til Bali helt efter dine ønsker. Fra action-fyldte oplevelser med trekking i junglen eller over i en zipline til formidabel snorkling blandt tropiske fisk i krystalklart vand, cykeltur blandt rismarker, besøg på Mt. Batur-vulkanen eller kokkeskole i lokal landsby.
Bali har det hele - og mere til. "Gudernes ø" er fyldt med et væld af kultur og natur og vi har håndplukket de bedste hoteller ved strand, by og jungle.
Blandt vores enestående rejser til Asien er også en tur til Cambodia, med udgangspunkt i det berømte Raffles Hotel i Phnom Penh. Første dag går turen med tuk tuk til kongepaladset med den uforlignelige Silver Pagoda.
Ca. 20 kilometer fra Phnom Penh ligger "killing fields" eller Choung Ek, hvor de røde Khmerer myrdede tusindvis af fanger under Pol Pots kommunistiske styre, og hvor der i dag er rejst et hjerteskærende monument for dem alle. Hvis man har stærke nerver, er der også mulighed for at se Tuol Sleng museet, som førhen var en skole, men som under Pol Pot blev omdannet til fængsel.
Cambodia rummer både helvede og himmel: Senere på rejsen bliver der lejlighed til at se et af verdens syv vidundere, nemlig Angkor Wat, der bl.a. skal opleves fra oven på en ballonfærd.
På vores rejser til højdepunktet i Asien, Nepal, kan I opleve tre smukke og kontrastfulde regioner. Hovedstaden Kathmandu er som en tidsrejse til middelalderen med en forbløffende samling af over 50 templer, helligdomme og paladser. Turen går videre til Everest Regionen og de mægtige Himalaya bjerge, der opleves dels fra fly og med vandrestøvlerne på. Endelig går rejsen til Chitwan og nogle dages safari på elefantryg og i jeeps. Her kan I se næsehorn, bøfler, krokodiller, et rigt fugleliv samt, hvis heldet er med os, et glimt af den store Bengalske tiger. Chitwan, der betyder “junglens hjerte” var oprindeligt et yndet jagtområde for Nepals overklasse, der fik nedlagt hundredvis af tigre, næsehorn, leoparder og bjørne.
Seværdige Burma
Som et af de eneste rejsebureauer tilbyder vi en privattur til de absolut mest seværdige steder i Burma, der endnu ikke er ramt af masseturisme. Vi tilbyder en fantastisk ferie, hvor du rejser fra hovedstaden Yangon til tempelbyen Bagan og videre til historiske Mandalay med den gamle kongeby efterfulgt af Amarapura 'Inle Lake', Burmas svar på Venedig. Turen slutter i Thailand, blot en times flyvning fra Yangon.
Luksuriøse, historiske hoteller
På vores rejser til Asien får I mulighed for at bo på nogle af kontinentets mest luksuriøse hoteller, der emmer af historie. Udover Raffles Hotel i Cambodia er det Mandarin Oriental Hotel i Hong Kong med udsigt til Victoria Harbour. I Singapore ligger Mandarin Oriental også i havnemiljøet med udsigt til den fantastiske skyline. Og i Bangkok er The Oriental et lille stykke kolonihistorie med tebord, overdådige værelser og adgang direkte til Chao Phraya flodens bred.

Alila Villas Uluwatu
Bali, Indonesien
Poised on an elevated plateau that meets with limestone cliffs sweeping down to the ocean, the view from the Alila Villas Uluwatu is nothing less than picture-perfect. Here contemporary Bali-inspired living design seamlessly integrates with personal journeys of cultural richness, continuing the Alila tradition of a total destination experience that is serene, sensual, and surprisingly different.

Aman Kyoto
Japan, Fjernøsten
Aman Kyoto’s latticed pavilions are a contemporary homage to the traditional Japanese Ryokan inn, strikingly minimalist in their geometry, and each serving as a window onto their spectacular natural surroundings.

Aman Tokyo
Japan, Fjernøsten
Aman Tokyo er en luksus Resort i Japan og et urbant fristed højt oppe over den atmosfæriske hvirvel af tradition og modernitet, som er indbegrebet af Tokyo

Ranthambore National Park, Indien
Aman-i-Khas is an exclusive wilderness camp set in the rugged hills of Rajasthan on the outskirts of Ranthambhore National Park.

Jaipur, Indien
Amanbagh, oversat til fredelig have, ligger ved en frodig oase nær Chambal floden. Amanbagh er et historisk-præget og luksuriøst hotelpalæ der hylder Indiens gyldne æra med sin unikke æstetik.

Bali, Indonesien
Nyd den sublime luksus på det fantastiske Amandari, som ligger i landsbyen Kedewatan - i udkanten af Balis kulturelle hovedstad, Ubud.

Amangalla Resort
Sri Lanka, Asien
Amangalla ligger indenfor voldene i det 17. århundrede Galle Fort, som ligger lige ved den historiske havn i Galle, en UNESCO World Heritage Site.

Java, Indonesien
Amanjiwo har udsigt til Borobudur, verdens største buddhistiske kloster, i Central Java.

Bali, Indonesien
Amankila ligger med Mount Agung som dramatisk baggrundstæppe der understreger den unikke stemning.

Bhutan, Asien
Amankora er et ”atypisk” resort, da det består af flere små og stilfulde ”lodges”, der strækker sig på tværs af de centrale og vestlige dale i Bhutan - i byerne Paro, Thimohu, Punakha, Gangtey og Bumthang.

Vietnam, Fjernøsten
Amanoi er en uforglemmelig oplevelse allerede fra ankomsten. En smuk køretur gennem den frodige Nui Chua National Park fører ind til Amanois.

Filippinerne, Asien

Phuket, Thailand
Amanpuri ligger på vestkysten af Phuket, Thailands største ø og har udsigt til det turkisblåt Andamanhav.

Siem Reap, Cambodia
Amansara (deriving from the Sanskrit "aman", peace, and "apsara", the heavenly nymphs of ancient Hindu mythology) opened in December 2002 in Siem Reap, the cultural heartland of ancient Khmer civilization.

Laos, Asien

Bali, Indonesien
Beliggende på Balis sydlige halvø Uluwatu, på en bjergskråning med udsigt over Det Indiske Ocean og Nusa Dua finder man Amanusa.

Bali, Indonesien
Amanwana er det eneste Resort beliggende på den indonesiske ø Moyo, som er et marine og naturreservat 15 km fra kysten af Sumbawa, øst for Bali.

Sri Lanka, Asien
Amanwella er et luksus hotel i Sri lanka ved den Indiske Ocean, omgivet af i strålende afsondrethed og ro.

Anantara Golden Triangle
Chiang Rai, Nord Thailand
Set in the heart of the Mekong Region, the hotel commands an incredible view of the Ruak River and mighty Mekong River snaking through a landscape of sleepy mountains and impenetrable jungle.

Anantara Phuket Villas
Phuket, Thailand
Anantara Phuket Villas tilbyder et luksuriøst tilflugtssted, med uspoleret og frodig natur, en skøn sandstrand og idylliske omgivelser.

Anantara Rasananda
Koh Phangan, Thailand
A signature spa set amidst indigenous tropical landscape, two restaurants, a champagne and wine lounge, and a host of delightful leisure activities with service created specifically around your ideas of a perfect beach holiday makes Rasananda a hidden paradise waiting to be discovered.

Angkor Wat og Song Saa island
Cambodia, Fjernøsten
Peacock Travel har sammensat en fantastisk rejse til Cambodia, hvor I kommer til at opleve de største seværdigheder, som landet byder på.

ANI Sri Lanka
Sri Lanka, Asien

ANI Thailand
Thailand, Fjernøsten

Madhya Predesh, Indien
The name Baghvan draws its inspiration from one of India's iconic symbols, the Bengal tiger (bagh “ tiger and van “ forest). Pronounced baagh-vun, this charming lodge is located on the edge of Pench National Park, which is a dry deciduous forest of predominantly teak trees.

Banyan Tree - Bin Tan
Bintan, Indonesien
Located in a lush tropical setting overlooking the South China Sea, a stillness of spirit pervades the body and soul at Banyan Tree Bintan.

Banyan Tree Samui
Koh Samui, Thailand
I en lille privat bugt i Lamai-bugten på sydøstlige Koh Samui ligger Resortet Banyan Tree Samui

Bvlgari Resort Bali
Bali, Indonesien
The Bulgari Resort, Bali, is the second of a brilliant new series of hotels and resorts in prestige locations of the world. Each is to be an intimate place of elegance and pleasure, an experience of glamour and excellence.

Cameron Highland Resort
Malaysia, Fjernøsten
Cameron Highlands Resort is situated on the largest hill resort in Malaysia, surrounded by breathtaking scenery, lush greenery, rolling hills and Tudor-styled cottages.

Cape Weligama
Sri Lanka, Asien
Where trade winds carried legendary explorers like Marco Polo, Ibn Battuta and Fa-Hsien past Sri Lanka's soaring southern cliffs on some of history's most celebrated nautical journeys, Cape Weligama has become the most celebrated among Sri Lankan Beach Resorts

Ceylon Tea Trails
Sri Lanka, Asien
The world’s first tea bungalow resort, Ceylon Tea Trails is an icon for small luxury resorts. Comprising of five restored colonial era tea planter residences, the period furnishings, gracious butler service and gourmet cuisine create an ambience that has made Tea Trails the gold standard for luxury bungalows in Sri Lanka.

Hua Hin, Thailand
Welcome. Chiva-Som is your “Haven of Life” on the Gulf of Thailand. Chiva-Som is about learning to live, enjoy and appreciate every moment.

COMO Uma Canggu
Bali, Indonesien
COMO Uma Canggu er et pragtfuldt hotel på stranden ved Canggu by - tæt ved byliv og kulturoplevelser. En oase i oasen.

COMO Uma Ubud
Bali, Indonesien
Elegant hotel midt blandt Balis jungler og rismarker og alligevel tæt på byen Ubud. Nyd eksklusiv forkælelse.

Damai Lovina Villas
Bali, Indonesien
In the Indonesian language Damai means "peaceful" and an apt description it is. Nestled about half way up a small mountain just outside Lovina, north Bali Damai Lovina Villas, offers twelve private, tastefully decorated villas set quietly amidst beautifully manicured gardens.

Devigarth Fort Palace
Udaipur, Indien
The Fort Palace was conceived as a place where the past meets the future. This all suite luxury hotel comprising of 39 suites takes on the look of modern India, with an emphasis on design and detail, using local marbles and semi-precious stones. The contemporary design showcased within this spectacular heritage property, complemented by personalized and intimate service, creates a new image for India for the 21st century.

Dhara Dhevi - Chiang Mai
Chiang Mai, Nord Thailand
Dhara Dhevi comes from the Sanskrit words meaning "Star Goddess", epitomising romance, mystique and legendary beauty, the same qualities found at the resort.

Dwarikas Hotel
Kathmandu, Nepal
Nepal has eight World Heritage sites and has won two Heritage Awards. One for the Medieval City of Bhaktapur and the other for The Dwarikas Hotel.

Eksklusive Indokina
Vietnam, Fjernøsten
Ta´ med på eventyrlige oplevelser i det pulserende Indokina og magiske Angkor Wat. Start ferien med et ophold i metropolen Singapore

Eksklusivt flodkrydstogt
Vietnam, Fjernøsten
Tag på flodkrydstogt med det luksuriøse skib ”Jayavarman” fra Saigon til Siem Reap via den legendariske Mekong flod.

Familietur gennem Laos
Laos, Fjernøsten
Kunne du tænke dig en anderledes familieferie? Peacock Travel byder på en helt fantastisk familieoplevelse, hvor i lærer om Laos' fascinerende kultur på en sjov, interaktiv og anderledes måde.

Four Seasons - Chiang Mai
Chiang Mai, Nord Thailand
Spacious Lanna-style pavilions overlook terraced rice fields and the mountains in the beautiful Mae Rim Valley. Minutes from the artistic and cultural heritage of Thailand's northern capital.
From the Thai cooking school to the acclaimed spa and flawless service, a signature Four Seasons experience.

Four Seasons at Sayan
Bali, Indonesien
Four Seasons at Sayan er beliggende midt i junglen ved Balis hellige Ayung flod. De store værelser og suiter ligger tæt op af den betagende jungle.

Four Seasons Kyoto
Japan, Fjernøsten
Discover the style and vibe of today’s Japan at a brand-new hotel with an 800-year-old ikeniwa (pond garden) at its heart. Intimate and contemporary, Four Seasons Hotel Kyoto is set in the scenic district of temples.

Four Seasons Resort Jimbaran Bay
Bali, Indonesien
Med en majestætisk udsigt over det glitrende Indiske Ocean, ligger Four Seasons Jimbaran Bay placeret lige oven over den smukke strand, tæt på Balis mange kulturelle attraktioner.

Four Seasons Resort Langkawi
Langkawi, Malaysia
An archipelago of 99 islands in the Andaman Sea, Langkawi is a tropical paradise of lush rainforests and granite cliffs. Nestled on a pristine beach, Four Seasons echoes a native village with open-air pavilions for dining and spa inspiration. Enjoy eco discovery on land or at sea, then relax in gracious Four Seasons warmth.

Four Seasons Resort Samui
Koh Samui, Thailand
Ved ankomsten til Four Seasons Samui, bliver man som det allerførste mødt med stedets ubeskrivelig smukke beliggenhed.

Four Seasons Tented Camp - Golden Triangle
Chiang Rai, Nord Thailand
You've yearned for adventure, and have wanted to discover the mysteries of the Golden Triangle. In an all-inclusive three-or four-night adventure

Four Seasons The Nam Hai
Da Nang, Vietnam
Located along a one kilometer stretch of pristine white sand beach on Vietnam's Central Coast, The Nam Hai offers a luxuriant tropical setting conducive to rest and relaxation.

Fullerton Bay Hotel
Singapore, Fjernøsten
Fullerton Bay er et af vores foretrukne hoteller i Singapore. Hotellet er et fantastisk eksempel på moderne asiatisk design kombineret med smukke stilrene linjer.

Gokarna Forest Resort
Nepal, Asien

Hyatt Regency Kathmandu
Kathmandu, Nepal

Intercontinental Hua Hin
Hua Hin, Thailand
InterContinental Hua Hin Resort ligger perfekt placeret i den bedste del af stranden langs Petchakasem Road. Resortet er Inspireret af Maruekhathaiyawan Sommerpalads og bygget af Kong Rama VI.

Jayavarman Cruise
Cambodia, Fjernøsten
Tag på et uforglemmeligt 7 nætters krydstogt på Mekong-floden med Jayavarman Cruise fra Saigon til Siem Reap.

Jimbaran Puri, A Belmond Hotel
Bali, Indonesien
Jimbaran Puri, A Belmond Hotel ligger ved gylden sandstrand på Bali og byder på eksklusiv ophold i smukke omgivelser.

Kamalaya Koh Samui
Koh Samui, Thailand
Kamalaya Koh Samui Wellness and Holistic Spa er et af Thailands mest prisbelønnede resorts med fokus på holistisk wellness og velvære.

Karnali Lodge
Nepal, Asien
Karnali is an intimate lodge with ultra personal service and expert guiding.

Komaneka Resorts Ubud
Bali, Indonesien
Komaneka Resorts Ubud Bali is created carefully to fulfill upscale travelers expectation for a comfortable stay in a spacious room of hotels resort, surrounded by natural beauty of Ubud - Bali, where the staffs are always respond promptly and discreetly to everything the guests need.

Kumarakom Lake Resort
Kerala, Indien
None less than the National Geographic Traveler have acclaimed Kerala as one of the must-see paradises of the world.

La Residence d´Angkor, A Belmond Hotel
Siem Reap, Cambodia
La Residence d´Angkor, A Belmond Hotel ligger i det gamle centrum af Siem Reap i en smuk og frodig have tæt på Angkor Wat.

Lebua State Tower
Bangkok, Thailand
Lebua stands strategically at the junction of two of Bangkok's major roads - Silom and Charoen Krung close to Bangkoks's famous Chao Phraya River. This is at the heart of Bankgok's business, and shopping areas and night life is also at an arm's reach. A short ten minute stroll to the sky-train station will also deliver you quickly to other shopping and entertainment areas around the city.

Maharajas Express Togrejse
New Delhi, Indien
Indien - et land med historie lige så gammel som tiden. Et land, hvor forskellige dynastier har regeret gennem århundreder, der forlader deres præg på landskabet, sprog og kultur.

Mahua Kothi
Madhya Predesh, Indien
The name Mahua Kothi draws its inspiration from one of India's most beautiful trees, the Madhuca Indica, or as it is commonly known, the Mahua or butter tree. Pronounced 'ma-hoo-a', this tree with its fleshy off-white flowers plays a central role in festivals and rituals.

Mandarin Oriental Bangkok
Bangkok, Thailand
“If only all hotels could be like this.”

Mandarin Oriental Singapore
Singapore, Fjernøsten
Mandarin Oriental, Singapore is located in Marina Centre, which allows views of the Singapore skyline.

Napasai, A Belmond Hotel
Koh Samui, Thailand
På Koh Samuis nordlige kyst ligger eksklusive Napasai, A Belmond Hotel i de smukkeste omgivelser.

Oberoi Amarvilas
Agra, Indien
På Oberoi Amarvilas bor I blot 600 m fra Taj Mahal i Agra. Nyd udsigten, omgivelser og det fantastiske hotel.

Oberoi Motor Motor Vessel Vrinda
Kerala, Indien
We must have experienced over hundred of the most renowned cruise liners and thousands of the World's best hotels and we cannot recollect a better cruising experience or hospitality and the outstanding efficiency and friendliness of the staff. - Guest from India

Pangkor Laut Resort
Pangkor Laut, Malaysia
Pangkor Laut er en privatejet ø, som ligger 5 km ud for Malaysias vestkyst. Der ligger kun Pangkor Laut Resort and Spa på øen.

Park Hyatt Ho Chi Minh City
Ho Chi Minh, Vietnam
Designed to feel more like a contemporary Vietnamese residence rather than a hotel, Park Hyatt Saigon's attention to detail extends to a range of specially commissioned works of art that are displayed throughout the hotel.

Park Hyatt Siem Reap
Siem Reap, Cambodia
Park Hyatt er med sin perfekte beliggenhed, lige midt i hjertet af Siem Reap, en fantastisk oase efter en oplevelsesrig dag ved templerne Angkor Wat.

Bangkok, Thailand
Timeless Elegance and Unrivaled Service. The Peninsula Bangkok blends traditional Thai hospitality with a fresh yet timeless elegance - and, of course, the legendary Peninsula service.

Phulay Bay
Krabi, Thailand
Venture to a captivating corner of the world, where glistening sands and blue skies converge with the Andaman Sea, and where the charm and natural beauty of Thailand blends with an aura of serenity and discovery.

Krabi, Thailand
Peace, Serenity, Solitude. These are the words that come to mind for Pimalai. Add to that luxury, elegance, nature and genuine friendly service.

Pokhara Lodge
Nepal, Asien
Offering sweeping views of the Himalayas and the surrounding greenery, Pokhara Lodge offers simply furnished rooms and provides a perfect haven for exploring local communities, bird-watching, gentle exercise, or just to relaxing in a typical Nepalese rural setting.

Raffles Grand Hotel DAngkor
Siem Reap, Cambodia
Some travel the world seeking adventure. Others journey in search of the good life. At Raffles Grand Hotel d'Angkor, experience the best of both.

Raffles Hotel Le Royal-Phnom Penh
Cambodia, Fjernøsten
Raffles Hotel Le Royal is the premier hotel in Phnom Penh, a hotel with those rare attributes of history and style.

Raffles Singapore
Singapore, Fjernøsten
Raffles Hotel is one of Singapore's most graceful landmarks. More legend than hotel, this luxury Singapore hotel celebrates a tradition of unwavering service excellence spanning more than 120 years.

Rajasthans majestætiske paladser
New Delhi, Indien
Tag på en fantastisk guidet rundrejse gennem den farverige og kontrastfulde stat Rajasthan i Indien.

Rambagh Palace
Jaipur, Indien
Rajasthan evokes images of erstwhile royalty “ polo-playing princes and beautiful princesses who captured their hearts. The history of Rajasthan “ or Rajputana' as it was once called “ is rich with legendary tales of love and valour

Krabi, Thailand
Located between two sublime beaches, Nam Mao and Railay is the 77 rooms pavilion fully equipped and designed to provide spacious accommodation with the aspect selection of garden view, pool side, or cliff and partial sea view provided.

Rohet Garh
Jodhpur, Indien
Rohet Garh is a classified Heritage Hotel. Over the course of fifteen years it has been nurtured and developed with great love and care by the family into one of the finest Heritage hotels in the country. No new building has been added in the renovation process, but rather, old edifices have been skillfully redesigned to create a heritage property that has few parallels.

SALA Phuket Resort and Spa
Phuket, Thailand
SALA Phuket Resort and Spa is a stunning new deluxe pool villa resort, featuring private swimming pools in 63 out of 79 rooms, villas, and suites.

Samode Palace
Jaipur, Indien
SAMODE PALACE - The 5th best hotel in the world - TIMES LONDON JAN '99'

Siam Kempinski
Bangkok, Thailand
Siam Kempinski har med sin centrale beliggenhed i Bangkok ved Siam Square, direkte adgang til det fashionable shopping center Siam Paragon.

Six Senses Nihn Van Bay
Nha Trang, Vietnam
Six Senses Nihn Van Bay identifies the boutique category of Evason. Attention to detail and focus on the reality of the destination is the driving force, together with a focused commitment to the environment.

Sofitel Metropole
Hanoi, Vietnam
Located at the heart of Hanoi since 1901, Sofitel Legend Metropole Hanoi has a long history of being a luxury place for many prestigious events and popular rendezvous.

Soneva Kiri
Thailand, Fjernøsten
Soneva Kiri & Six Senses Spa is located on Koh Kood, a remote island situated in the east of Thailand, known for its pure waterfalls, crystal clear waters and traditional village life. Flights from Bangkok International Airport to Soneva Kiri Airport will take 60 minutes by private plane, and from there it is just 2 kilometers by speed boat to the arrival pier.

Song Saa Privat Island
Cambodia, Fjernøsten
Song Saa Private Island ligger afsondret midt i et storslåede landskab bestående af øde oaser af jomfru regnskov, tropiske koralrev og glinsende hvide strande;

Taj Exotica
Goa, Indien
Located on the southwest coast of Goa, overlooking the Arabian sea, this Mediterranean-style 5 star resort is one of the best five star hotels in Goa and has a way of slowing down time to a tranquil tempo.

Taj Hari Mahal
Jodhpur, Indien
Spread over six acres of lush, landscaped gardens, this palace of the 21st century offers luxurious refinement.

Taj Lake Palace, Udaipur
Udaipur, Indien
The Taj Lake Palace, located in the middle of Lake Pichola is a dream of white marble and mosaic glistening in the moonlight, very reminiscent of the most beautiful tourist cliché in the world; the Taj Mahal.

Taj Mahal Palace & Tower
Mumbai, Indien
Since it opened in 1903, The Taj Mahal Palace & Tower, Mumbai has created its own unique history. From Maharajas and Princes to various Kings, Presidents, CEOs and entertainers, the Taj has played the perfect host, supportive of their every need.

Taj Mahal, tigere og luksuriøse Oberoi
New Delhi, Indien
Oplev Rajasthan i Indien, som byder på fascinerende byer og attraktioner, der kan tage pusten fra den mest kræsne globetrotter.

Tanjong Jara Resort
Malaysia, Fjernøsten
Opened on 1 March 1979 , Tanjong Jara Resort underwent extensive refurbishment and restoration under YTL Hotels & Properties' management. The deluxe beach resort now features 100 luxurious rooms, a spa and two swimming pools. It is one of the Small Luxury Hotels of the World and is the perfect honeymoon destination.

Temple Tree Resort & Spa - Pokara
Nepal, Asien

The Datai
Langkawi, Malaysia
A natural paradise, Langkawi boasts tall forested mountains, centuries-old limestone caves, majestic waterfalls and white sand beaches. Its past is swathed with legends of romance and mystery. The Datai has its own white sand beach facing the peaceful Andaman sea. Free-standing villas crafted from local materials are scattered throughout the forest and are connected to the resort's central areas by a series of pathways.

The Fullerton Hotel Singapore
Singapore, Fjernøsten
Fullerton er et af Singapores ypperste luksushoteller. Hotellet er et gammelt, restaureret posthus fra 1928;

The Imperial
New Delhi, Indien
Reckoned amongst Asia's finest hotels, The Imperial is a legend that offers a unique experience embracing facets of India's history

The Leela
Goa, Indien
Hvad får du, når du blander det sydlige Indiens tempel traditioner med den portugisiske arv..... Et 5 stjernet beach resort kaldet The Leela - Goa.

The Leela Kempinski
Kerala, Indien
According to legend, Kerala was raised from the sea by Parshuram, the famed Hindu warrior priest. Kerala was where St. Thomas first landed and while is has one of India's oldest synagogues, it has a large population of both Syrian Christians as well Muslims. Add strong matrilineal traditions and India's highest literacy rate and you have a state that is a beacon of harmonious prosperity.

The Oberoi Mumbai
Mumbai, Indien
Located in the heart of Mumbai's business district, this elegant luxury hotel overlooking the Arabian Sea offers impeccable service, understated luxury and excellent facilities including an exclusive spa and fitness center by Banyan Tree.

The Oberoi New Delhi
New Delhi, Indien
Oplev en harmonisk blanding af traditionel og moderne kultur på The Oberoi i det skønne og pulserende New Delhi.

The Oberoi Rajvilas
Jaipur, Indien
The Oberoi Rajvilas er en unik made at opleve Jaipur, en af Indiens mest vibrante og eksotiske destinationer. Et luksusresort med helt egen karakter, der genoplever den legendariske livsstil af Indiens Rajput prinser.

The Oberoi Udaivilas
Udaipur, Indien
Udaipur, in the heart of Rajasthan, is a city of majestic palaces and beautiful lakes.

The Oberoi Vanyavilas
Ranthambore National Park, Indien
Situated just ten minutes' drive from Ranthambhore National Park, The Oberoi Vanyavilas offers guests the opportunity to see Royal Bengal Tigers

The Oberoi Wildflower Hall
Uttarakhand, Indien
Formerly the residence of Lord Kitchener, commander-in-Chief of the British Army, Wildflower Hall is situated an impressive 8250 feet above sea-level.

The Ritz-Carlton, Kuala Lumpur
Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia
Step into The Ritz-Carlton, Kuala Lumpur and experience a world of timeless elegance. This club-like boutique hotel, has a distinctive interior design that blends European elegance with fine Malaysian art and craftmanship.

The Sarojin - Khao Lak
Khao Lak, Thailand
Relaxation, freedom, inspiration. The Sarojin imparts unique, revitalizing experiences that last...so much so, that a sojourn with us is reminiscent of"staying as a guest at a friend's private estate".

The Siam Hotel
Bangkok, Thailand
Beliggende direkte ud til Chao Phraya floden i Bangkok findes den skønneste lille perle

The St. Regis Bali Resort
Bali, Indonesien
Tranquility and barefoot elegance entwine on the soft, sandy beaches of Nusa Dua, the Garden of Bali. Swim through calm blue lagoons and savour the feeling of a lavishly appointed private residence. This St. Regis address is like no other.

The St. Regis Bangkok
Bangkok, Thailand
The St. Regis Bangkok har den ypperste placering langs Rajadamri Road lige ved byens elite business institutioner, fantastiske restauranter og fine butikker - og Suvarnabhumi International Airport ligger kun 35 minutter væk.

The Surin Phuket
Phuket, Thailand
Set in the aquamarine waters of the Andaman Sea is Thailand’s tropical holiday haven of Phuket. And nestled in peaceful seclusion on the island’s finest shore is The Surin, Phuket at Pansea Bay. This luxury beach resort, adjacent to the exclusive Amanpuri, is an easy blend of timeless simplicity and modern sophistication.

Tintagel Hotel Colombo
Sri Lanka, Asien
I centrum af Colombo, men behageligt tilbagetrukket fra storbyens puls og virak, ligger denne kæmpe villa, omdannet til et boutique city hotel.

Phuket, Thailand
Trisara Phuket is a new luxury resort featuring 24 individual pool villas, all with seaview, on the northern part of Phuket island nearby the airport.

Ubud Hanging Gardens
Bali, Indonesien
Welcome to Ubud Hanging Gardens by Orient-Express, a haven of peace and tranquillity set in the heart of the tropical paradise of Bali.

Uma Paro
Bhutan, Asien
Oplev et moderne og komfortabelt ophold i Bhutan, med en elegant og simpel hotelindretning. Vores værelser og suiter er idyllisk placeret i en lysning imellem azaleablomster og igennem vinduerne er der smukke udsigter til skove, bjerge og Paro dalen. Hotellet er bygget af smukke materialer, som håndlavede sten, træ og fliser og alle værelserne og villaerne indeholder et originalt Bhutanesisk komfur. Hovedbygningen som før var hjem til en lokal adelsmand, former hotellets hjerte.

Umaid Bhawan Palace
Jodhpur, Indien
Umaid Phawan Palace er et overdådig hotelpalads i Jodhpur - skabt til at skabe uforglemmelige minder.

Victoria Sapa Resort & Spa
Sapa, Vietnam
The four star Victoria Sapa Resort & Spa, the only luxury hotel in North-Western Vietnam, opened in March 1998.

Villas Soori
Bali, Indonesien
Villas Soori is a blissful paradise setting for beachfront living at its most relaxing, most stylish and luxurious. Located along the southwest coast of Bali, not far from the island's famous Tanah Lot Temple, it lies on a gentle slope between verdant rice terraces and beautiful black-sand beaches overlooking the azure Indian Ocean.

W Retreat Koh Samui
Koh Samui, Thailand
Denne idylliske ø er et paradis med frodigt landskab og smukke strande.

W Seminyak
Bali, Indonesien
W Retreat & Spa Seminyak er en stilfuld legeplads ved den legendariske strand i Seminyak.

Zannier Hotels Phum Baitang
Siem Reap, Cambodia