Amangalla Resort
Sri Lanka, Asien
Amangalla ligger indenfor voldene i det 17. århundrede Galle Fort, som ligger lige ved den historiske havn i Galle, en UNESCO World Heritage Site.

Sri Lanka, Asien
Amanwella er et luksus hotel i Sri lanka ved den Indiske Ocean, omgivet af i strålende afsondrethed og ro.

ANI Sri Lanka
Sri Lanka, Asien

Cape Weligama
Sri Lanka, Asien
Where trade winds carried legendary explorers like Marco Polo, Ibn Battuta and Fa-Hsien past Sri Lanka's soaring southern cliffs on some of history's most celebrated nautical journeys, Cape Weligama has become the most celebrated among Sri Lankan Beach Resorts

Ceylon Tea Trails
Sri Lanka, Asien
The world’s first tea bungalow resort, Ceylon Tea Trails is an icon for small luxury resorts. Comprising of five restored colonial era tea planter residences, the period furnishings, gracious butler service and gourmet cuisine create an ambience that has made Tea Trails the gold standard for luxury bungalows in Sri Lanka.

Tintagel Hotel Colombo
Sri Lanka, Asien
I centrum af Colombo, men behageligt tilbagetrukket fra storbyens puls og virak, ligger denne kæmpe villa, omdannet til et boutique city hotel.